New Region – Become A Member Today

Next Step- How to become a Phoenix AZ Solo SCCA Region member

Dear fellow Phoenix area SCCA auto crossers, 

As we have previously communicated the SCCA Board of Directors recently met, discussed, and approved the formation of the newly formed Phoenix AZ Solo Region to conduct events in Maricopa County, AZ. Our National SCCA membership Committee has now officially completed all the needed programming to operate the new region.

What does that mean for Arizona Region members?  You have the opportunity to make a few choices regarding your membership.  Your options are as follows:

  1. Move your membership to Phoenix AZ Solo Region (Region #117) as your Region of Record. Contact SCCA Membership via either email ([email protected]) or phone 1-800-770-2055 your request (include your SCCA member number). All your future regional dues will go exclusively to support local autocross Phoenix area activities. By taking this action you will receive a new membership card reflecting your membership in the Phoenix AZ Solo Region (note your SCCA member number remains the same). 
  2. You may of course leave your membership as is, remaining a member of the Arizona Region. Note: No part of these dues will support the local autox program. 
  3. Become a dual member, having membership, and paying dues for each Region. Contact SCCA to choose this option.  

The Steering Committee is grateful to SCCA National for affording us this opportunity for the Phoenix area SCCA solo group to function as a standalone region.  It will allow us more freedom in the areas of programing, event scheduling and most importantly control of our club’s finances. Our wish and recommendation to you regarding your future membership choice, would be of course, to have you join us in support of the new region (option 1 above). 

As a Steering Committee, we thank you for your continued support, of local solo events and look forward to a continued long and successful autox program in the valley.

Most Sincerely and looking forward to seeing you all at the next solo event, your Phoenix AZ Solo Region Solo Steering Committee.

Questions or suggestions regarding any of the above? Please email Kevin at [email protected] or Kim at [email protected].