Meeting Minutes – Summer 2021 SC Meeting

Meeting Minutes – Summer 2021 SC Meeting

Minutes SC Meeting
July 15, 2021
Location – virtual

1. Update on Region
Kevin, Kim and Rick Myers (SCCA Senior Manager, Region Development) presented an
update on AZ Region and progress on ensuring the autocross program is represented at
a region level.

2. Financial Update
Overall, in good condition despite per event losses for Fall 2020/Spring 2021 (driven by
event caps and lack of time-only’s.

3. AMP Security Update
Brian advised off duty officers/security guards harder to get and more expensive but
some lower cost alternatives may exist. If on site head count triggers security guard
requirement will need to coordinate with AMP to ensure it meets their requirements.

4. Fall Series
Discussed options for fall series format. SC approved motion 11-2 for:

  • Retain split day format with 70 entrant cap for morning and afternoon
  • 29 invited guests, 2 per registered driver
  • pre-registration only
  • early registration for SC members and onsite helpers (i.e. course setup,
  • equipment setup, etc.)
  • New fee structure:
    • SC Member/onsite helpers $25
    • SCCA Members $35
    • Non-SCCA Members $50

4. Instructors
SCCA has indicated there are no longer any COVID restrictions at present. Will resume in
car instruction. Up to discretion and comfort level of driver and instructor. Club will
continue to monitor the situation.

5. Radios
Steve reported on progress to refurbish existing radios, will be completed before start of
fall series. Steve also provided an overview on the quality of the existing radios, what it
would cost to replace and the fact that newer radios would come with additional
features what could be a negative for how we use them.

6. Helmets
New helmets are in the shed, ready for fall series, plan to resume loaner helmet
program in fall series.

7. Fall events listed in MSR
Discussed logistics of MSR data feeding website events page versus issues with
populating MSR before all event details are known. Agreed to populate MSR through
spring 2022 series

8. Review of existing event day timetable
Conducted brief review of existing day of event timetable. Kevin to develop draft for
day of event time table taking into consideration fall event format and post to SC forum
for further discussion.

9. Social Media platforms
Kei to start Instagram page and Dave Hurt to provide access.

10. Status of Transfer of prior results
Jason discussed progress on transitioning event results to new website, to include
challenges with transferring results from the older events due to data formatting
differences. Agreed that older events would be transferred only as downloadable date.
Jason will have results transferred by end of September.

11. From old site to new
Discussed transfer of data from old website/forum to new. Pylon Presses have been
moved over. Discussed impossibility of moving posts from previous forum to new,
agreed to discontinue previous forum hosting service.

12. Two-day event request from member
Kim reviewed request from member for a 2-day event, discussed plans for 2-day event
in Spring 2022 series. Agreed that club would consider additional 2-day events if
interest and willingness to help run and organize communicated by membership.

13. Trailer and truck update
Truck and trailer still being stored at Kevin’s mom’s house. Steve has gathered some of
the higher cost items and working with Jim Rohn (long standing AZ Region member with
extensive experience selling on eBay to sell off. Lower cost items to be transported to
future events and sold to participants. Truck and trailer to be sold off after contents are
dealt with.

14. Goodie Store
Dave provided update on a new web-based AZ Solo Goodie Store. Logistics of the Store

15. Non-agenda items
Discussed logistics related to Verizon hotspot, GoDaddy account and Zoom membership.
Next SC Meeting will occur August 12 at 6 pm (virtual) to discuss AZ Region status and