Corner Captain Worker Guide

Corner Captain Worker Guide

Before each session the Corner Captain will:

  1. Unfurl the flag but hold the flag bottom to the flag stick to make it ready.
  2. Acknowledge to the observers to confirm the corner radio is working and on the correct channel.
  3. Provide the following general instructions to their corner workers on procedures and safety:
    • i. Only proceed to check or reset a cone if there appears to be sufficient time before the next car to complete the reset and return to safety. This may be after the next car passes.
    • ii. If the cone is lying on its side but should be upright, this is a penalty. If the cone is still upright but 100% out of its box, this is a penalty. If the cone is upright but still touching any part of its box, this is not a penalty, but the cone must be reset into its box.
    • iii. Pointer cones (cones normally on their side) do not count as any penalty but still must be reset.
    • iv. Explain that both observers and Corner Captains are monitoring for penalties. Therefore, upon checking a cone, if there is a penalty always raise it above your head before resetting to indicate a penalty (even if it appears obvious since it may not be obvious to both the observers and the Corner Captain). If it is not a penalty, reset the cone and then waive your arms horizontally to indicate no penalty. One or the other must be performed on every cone reset.
    • v. If near the start/finish gate, do not cross the timing lights, go around the gate to reset any cones.
    • vi. Corner worker locations are suggested safe locations. If the corner worker believes there is a safer location, with Corner Captain and SSS agreement, worker(s) may move to that other location.
    • vii. Corner workers may spread out to provide more effective coverage with the Corner Captain’s agreement.
    • viii. While resetting cones, always keep your eyes towards incoming cars. Abandon the cone reset if the next car will arrive too soon before all cones can be reset and you can safely retreat. Watch out for your fellow course worker.
    • ix. The area of safe retreat is generally to the inside of a corner and not to the outside.
    • x. A Corner Captains primary responsibilities are safety and communications, and cone resetting is performed by corner workers.
    • xi. No cell phone use while working.
      Other Corner Captain Guidelines
  4. The Corner Captain will be the operator of the corner radio and the red safety flag.
  5. Once a penalty at a station has been determined, the Corner Captain will radio the penalty with a message
    formatted like: “Corner two, one cone on the blue BRZ”. The observers should acknowledge the message
    repeat if not acknowledged.
  6. Corner Captains will monitor the oncoming drivers in relation to their corner workers and notify the worker
    to abandon a reset if a car is too close. This is a secondary safety measure to the worker’s own
    responsibility to monitor incoming cars.
  7. A Corner Captain will reset cones if sufficient workers are not available.
  8. The Corner Captain will red flag an incoming car if the captain believes a corner worker will be unable to
    retreat to safety before the arrival of the car and communicate red flag on the radio.