Pylon Press – Fall Event #1 2022
Pylon Press – Fall Event #1 2022
Pylon-Press-Sept-2022-Ready-to-Post-1Pylon Press – Winter Event #4 2022
Pylon Press – Winter Event #4 2022
April-Pylon-Press-4-final-finalPylon Press – Winter Event #3 2022
Pylon Press – Winter Event #3 2022
Pylon-Press-March-2022-FINALPylon Press – Winter Event #2 2022
Pylon Press – Winter Event #1 2022
Pylon-Press-Feb-2022-Final-ReadyPylon Press – Winter Event #1 2022
Pylon Press – Winter Event #1 2022
Pylon-Press-Jan-2022-Ready-to-PostPylon Press – Fall Event #4 2021
Pylon Press – Fall Event #4 2021
Pylon-Press-Dec-2021-Final-edition12784Pylon Press – Fall Event #3 2021
Pylon Press – Fall Event #3 2021
Pylon-Press-Nov-2021-NewsletterPylon Press – Fall Event #2 2021
Pylon Press – Fall Event #2 2021
Pylon-Press-Oct-2021-Final.pptxNew Region – Become A Member Today
Next Step- How to become a Phoenix AZ Solo SCCA Region member
Dear fellow Phoenix area SCCA auto crossers,
As we have previously communicated the SCCA Board of Directors recently met, discussed, and approved the formation of the newly formed Phoenix AZ Solo Region to conduct events in Maricopa County, AZ. Our National SCCA membership Committee has now officially completed all the needed programming to operate the new region.
What does that mean for Arizona Region members? You have the opportunity to make a few choices regarding your membership. Your options are as follows:
- Move your membership to Phoenix AZ Solo Region (Region #117) as your Region of Record. Contact SCCA Membership via either email ([email protected]) or phone 1-800-770-2055 your request (include your SCCA member number). All your future regional dues will go exclusively to support local autocross Phoenix area activities. By taking this action you will receive a new membership card reflecting your membership in the Phoenix AZ Solo Region (note your SCCA member number remains the same).
- You may of course leave your membership as is, remaining a member of the Arizona Region. Note: No part of these dues will support the local autox program.
- Become a dual member, having membership, and paying dues for each Region. Contact SCCA to choose this option.
The Steering Committee is grateful to SCCA National for affording us this opportunity for the Phoenix area SCCA solo group to function as a standalone region. It will allow us more freedom in the areas of programing, event scheduling and most importantly control of our club’s finances. Our wish and recommendation to you regarding your future membership choice, would be of course, to have you join us in support of the new region (option 1 above).
As a Steering Committee, we thank you for your continued support, of local solo events and look forward to a continued long and successful autox program in the valley.
Most Sincerely and looking forward to seeing you all at the next solo event, your Phoenix AZ Solo Region Solo Steering Committee.
Questions or suggestions regarding any of the above? Please email Kevin at [email protected] or Kim at [email protected].
Pylon Press – Fall Event #1 2021
Pylon Press – Fall Event #2 2021
Pylon-Press-Sept-2021Phoenix AZ Solo Region Formation
Phoenix AZ Solo Region Formation
Dear fellow Phoenix SCCA Autox Enthusiasts:
Your Steering Committee is pleased to announce a significant change in the club’s structure. The proposed change as put forth by your Steering Committee, and submitted to the SCCA for approval, would allow the Phoenix auto cross group more needed autonomy, transparency, security and freedom in matters of both financial and policy decisions in the future.
The change is a simple one, our club is presently in the Arizona Region in combination with other SCCA motorsports groups such as the road race group. In the future, if SCCA allows the change, we would operate as an independent region to be known simply as the “Phoenix AZ Solo Region”. While the impetus for the formation of this new region is supporting autox events, this new region would also be open to other types of SCCA events provided they are viable and are done in a manner that is cooperative and not competitive with neighboring SCCA regions.
What would this proposed structural change mean to you as a member?
Great question! As far as our annual dues and event fees are concerned, little to no changes are anticipated. Event schedules, duty assignments and Steering Committee Membership would remain constant.
What then is gained by becoming more independent from the road racer and rally groups?
Simply two things, the ability to see that any SCCA regional membership money you as a member put into the region ONLY goes to our local solo program. Secondly, the decision-making process regarding club policies and practices would be made by local autocross members vs. a multi-group region. This will create more transparency into the workings of our local club. And two, to foster more member participation in the decision-making process of our club.
What do I need to do?
If the new Region is granted only a simple change with SCCA to move your region ofrecord from Arizona Region to Phoenix AZ Solo Region is needed.
More news to follow shortly on how you can help support this effort with SCCA.
Thank you and see you trackside soon!
Contact either Kevin [email protected] or Kim [email protected].
AZ Solo Steering Committee
Meeting Minutes – August 2021 SC Meeting
Meeting Minutes – August 2021 SC Meeting
Minutes SC Meeting
August 12, 2021
Location – virtual
1. Update on Region
Kevin, Kim, and Rick Myers (SCCA Senior Manager, Region Development) presented an update on AZ Region and progress on ensuring the autocross program is represented at a region level. Rick confirmed that the AZ Region has agreed to a new Region formation.
2. Proposed Plan for a New Region
Kevin presented a plan to form a new Region. Reasons for the new Region were identified as (1) need to create a more transparent and accountable Region (2) need to have a more professionally run Region (3) provide protection over autocross funds and assets (4) control over and use of Region dues. Items discussed included SCCA approval process, SCCA required forms, necessary legal documents including bylaws, articles of incorporation, EIN and tax filing. Additional items covered included future elections, the continued role of the existing SC and officer/director structure of the club and for the SCCA. After the discussion a motion was made by Kevin and seconded by Kim to proceed with the creation of a new SCCA Region. Motion passed unanimously. Rick Myers pointed out that the National SCCA Board will have to approve the new Region.
3. Name of New Region
Discussed several options for the name of the proposed region. After discussion a motion by Kevin and second by Kim the name proposed was “Phoenix AZ Solo Region” with its legal name being “Phoenix AZ Solo Region, Sports Car Club of America, Incorporated.” Motion passed unanimously.
4. Appointment of SCCA Officer/Directors and Region Officer
Kim and Kevin presented a PowerPoint on a proposed list of Officers and Directors (all candidates had previously confirmed their willingness to serve in their respective roles). After discussion Lance moved and Steve Ashcraft seconded the following for SCCA Regional Officers: Kevin Venisnik as Regional Executive, Kim Kemper as Assistant Regional Executive, Steve Eymann as Treasurer, Chris Groppi as Secretary and Lance Hamilton as Membership Chair and for Phoenix AZ Solo Region (a not for profit club to be formed): Kevin Venisnik as President, Kim Kemper as Vice President, Steve Eymann as Treasurer and Chris Groppi as Secretary for the remainder of 2021 and for 2022, with elections to be held in the fall of 2022 for 2023. Motion passed unanimously.
5. Other
Discussion was held concerning a communication plan to present the new Region to the members of the AZ Region. Kim offered to reach out to Brian Miller to develop next steps and the various vehicles (i.e., Pylon Press, Forum on the AZ Solo club website and direct emails using MSR (working with Lance).
Meeting Minutes – Summer 2021 SC Meeting
Meeting Minutes – Summer 2021 SC Meeting
Minutes SC Meeting
July 15, 2021
Location – virtual
1. Update on Region
Kevin, Kim and Rick Myers (SCCA Senior Manager, Region Development) presented an
update on AZ Region and progress on ensuring the autocross program is represented at
a region level.
2. Financial Update
Overall, in good condition despite per event losses for Fall 2020/Spring 2021 (driven by
event caps and lack of time-only’s.
3. AMP Security Update
Brian advised off duty officers/security guards harder to get and more expensive but
some lower cost alternatives may exist. If on site head count triggers security guard
requirement will need to coordinate with AMP to ensure it meets their requirements.
4. Fall Series
Discussed options for fall series format. SC approved motion 11-2 for:
- Retain split day format with 70 entrant cap for morning and afternoon
- 29 invited guests, 2 per registered driver
- pre-registration only
- early registration for SC members and onsite helpers (i.e. course setup,
- equipment setup, etc.)
- New fee structure:
- SC Member/onsite helpers $25
- SCCA Members $35
- Non-SCCA Members $50
4. Instructors
SCCA has indicated there are no longer any COVID restrictions at present. Will resume in
car instruction. Up to discretion and comfort level of driver and instructor. Club will
continue to monitor the situation.
5. Radios
Steve reported on progress to refurbish existing radios, will be completed before start of
fall series. Steve also provided an overview on the quality of the existing radios, what it
would cost to replace and the fact that newer radios would come with additional
features what could be a negative for how we use them.
6. Helmets
New helmets are in the shed, ready for fall series, plan to resume loaner helmet
program in fall series.
7. Fall events listed in MSR
Discussed logistics of MSR data feeding website events page versus issues with
populating MSR before all event details are known. Agreed to populate MSR through
spring 2022 series
8. Review of existing event day timetable
Conducted brief review of existing day of event timetable. Kevin to develop draft for
day of event time table taking into consideration fall event format and post to SC forum
for further discussion.
9. Social Media platforms
Kei to start Instagram page and Dave Hurt to provide access.
10. Status of Transfer of prior results
Jason discussed progress on transitioning event results to new website, to include
challenges with transferring results from the older events due to data formatting
differences. Agreed that older events would be transferred only as downloadable date.
Jason will have results transferred by end of September.
11. From old site to new
Discussed transfer of data from old website/forum to new. Pylon Presses have been
moved over. Discussed impossibility of moving posts from previous forum to new,
agreed to discontinue previous forum hosting service.
12. Two-day event request from member
Kim reviewed request from member for a 2-day event, discussed plans for 2-day event
in Spring 2022 series. Agreed that club would consider additional 2-day events if
interest and willingness to help run and organize communicated by membership.
13. Trailer and truck update
Truck and trailer still being stored at Kevin’s mom’s house. Steve has gathered some of
the higher cost items and working with Jim Rohn (long standing AZ Region member with
extensive experience selling on eBay to sell off. Lower cost items to be transported to
future events and sold to participants. Truck and trailer to be sold off after contents are
dealt with.
14. Goodie Store
Dave provided update on a new web-based AZ Solo Goodie Store. Logistics of the Store
15. Non-agenda items
Discussed logistics related to Verizon hotspot, GoDaddy account and Zoom membership.
Next SC Meeting will occur August 12 at 6 pm (virtual) to discuss AZ Region status and
Pylon Press – Spring Event #4 2021
Pylon Press – Spring Event #3 2021
April-Pylon-Press-2021-Event-4Meeting Minutes – Spring 2021 SC Meeting
Meeting Minutes – Spring 2021 SC Meeting
Minutes SC Meeting
March 18, 2021
location – virtual
All SC actions were unanimous
- 1 Vote on Assistants/Chiefs- following voted in- Craig Borger – Ass’t Course Design, Ben Zukowski -Ass’t Equipment, Kei Josephson – Chief Novices, Steve
Ashcraft – Ass’t Timing, Chris Groppi – Ass’t SSS - 2 Financials -overall in good condition, Steve presented a number of financial models for SC consideration at next SC meeting
- 3 SC/Chair expectations – Kevin communicated his expectations
and a discussion of communication between Chiefs followed.
Emphasis on ensuring the right workers are selected for key positions and communication between the chiefs regarding how their areas interact. - 4 Update on Region – Kevin and Kim presented an update on the AZ region and progress is being made to ensure autocross receives a fair share of SCCA membership dues, all SC members were requested to be part of the Arizona Region
- 5 Pre-reg process – it was agreed that a standard list of required onsite people and
their run group preference would be developed. In addtion, the event planning
forum would be used again for future events and chiefs if needed would communicate any staffing shortfalls one week prior to event. - 6 Fall series – it was agreed to continue to use Speedwaiver, National
will be contacted by Faith/Kim on minor waiver process, disuse of large
water jugs to be replaced by bottled water, SC was informed that
majority of participants at the March event favored continuing half day
approach, agreed to continue discuss event format and make decision
at next SC meeting in the summer to include what if any COVID restrictions may be required. Brian to explore security options. For the April event it was agreed that the
cap would be raised to 35 per run group. - 7 Club radios -Agreed that Steve Eymann and Chris Groppi will refurbish club radios (antenna, batteries, etc) after April event
- 8 Forum name/signature – It was agreed that all members on the Forum
must use their proper name, as there is an issue that the signature does not display on the mobile version of the forum. - 9 2 day event proposal – It was agreed that pre-reg priority on
special events will be given to full time SCCA members to encourage. SCCA membeship, Lance to confirm MSR support. - 10 Yuma – it was brought to the attention of the SC of a possible autox
event at the Marine air station in Yuma. The SC decision was to express
support of the SCCA San Diego Club’s effort (attendance or work/equipment support) - 11 Other- Agreed to Chris’s request to have umbrellas as next trophy award. It was agreed a group of SC would clear out the trailer. Steve will locate title in preparation
to sell/dispose of trailer. - 12 Next meeting will occur in mid July
Pylon Press – Spring Event #3 2021
Pylon Press – Spring Event #3 2021
Pylon-Press-Spring-Event-3-2021Pylon Press – Spring Event #2 2021
Pylon Press – Spring Event #2 2021
Pylon-Press-Spring-2-2021Pylon Press – Spring Event #1 2021
Pylon Press – Spring Event #1 2021
Pylon-Press-Spring-1-2021Pylon Press – Fall Event #4 2020
Pylon Press – Fall Event #4 2020
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