What’s a National Tour? The Tire Rack SCCA National Tour, at its core, is an autocross event very similar in format and operation to the local events you already know and love. There are courses made of cones with timers, just like you’re used to. It’s intended to be a way for folks to experience the competition, intensity, and fun atmosphere of the National Championships without having to travel halfway across the country. LEARN MORE
Phoenix AZ Solo Region is the Phoenix-area ‘Solo‘ or ‘Autocross’ Club. The club coordinates autocross events for the greater Phoenix area and is one of many in the Sports Car Club of America’s (SCCA) Southern Pacific Division (SoPac).
Events are held regularly and offer the opportunity for all, members and those new to autocross the opportunity to compete. Events are currently held at The Arizona Motorsports.
Date | Name | Organization | Venue | Type | |
Apr 13 | PASR Solo Autocross Spring 2025 Series Event 4 | SCCA - Phoenix AZ Solo Region | Arizona Motorsports Park | Autocross/Solo | More Details |
Join the Sports Car Club of America today. Members of the SCCA qualify for discounted event entry fees.